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Rio Secreto Underground River Tour with Crystal Caves

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Rio Secreto Underground River Tour with Crystal Caves

USD90 per person

Embark on an otherworldly journey into the heart of the Yucatan Peninsula with our Rio Secreto Underground River Tour with Crystal Caves. This extraordinary adventure takes you deep beneath the surface of the earth, revealing a hidden realm of breathtaking beauty and ancient geological wonders.

As you descend into the underground world of Rio Secreto, you’ll feel as though you’ve stepped into a different dimension. The air becomes cool and damp, and the sounds of the outside world fade away, replaced by the gentle drip of water echoing through ancient chambers. Your expert guide will lead you through a labyrinth of stunning passageways, each turn revealing new marvels of nature’s artistry.

The star attractions of this subterranean paradise are the crystal caves. These geological masterpieces have been shaped over millions of years by the patient work of water and minerals. As you explore, you’ll be surrounded by an enchanting forest of stalactites and stalagmites, their crystalline surfaces glittering in the soft light of your headlamp. The formations range from delicate, needle-like structures to massive columns that seem to support the very roof of the cave.

One of the most magical experiences of the tour is swimming in the crystal-clear underground rivers. As you glide through the tranquil waters, you’ll feel a profound connection to the timeless forces of nature that have shaped this hidden world. The water is so clear that it often appears invisible, creating the surreal sensation of floating through air.

Throughout your journey, your knowledgeable guide will share fascinating insights into the geology, history, and ecology of Rio Secreto. You’ll learn about the formation of the caves, the unique adaptations of the creatures that call this dark world home, and the cultural significance of cenotes and underground rivers to the ancient Maya civilization.

This Rio Secreto Underground River Tour with Crystal Caves offers more than just a sightseeing experience – it’s a journey of discovery that will awaken your sense of wonder and leave you with a deep appreciation for the hidden marvels that lie beneath our feet. Whether you’re an adventure seeker, a nature lover, or simply curious about the world’s hidden wonders, this tour promises an unforgettable exploration of one of nature’s most spectacular underground realms.

13+ Age
  • Destination
  • Departure
  • Departure Time
    Departure from hotel: 8:00 AM
  • Return Time
    Return to hotel: Approximately 3:30 PM
  • Dress Code
    Comfortable clothing and swimwear. • Water shoes or sandals. • Towel and a change of clothes. • Hat, sunglasses, and biodegradable sunscreen for outdoor areas.
  • Included
    Personal Guide
  • Not Included
    All Museum Tickets
    Typical Souvenir
Departure from Hotel (8:00 AM):
  • Meet at the hotel lobby at 7:45 AM.
  • Departure at 8:00 AM sharp.
Arrival at Rio Secreto (9:00 AM):
  • Check-in and receive briefing on the day’s activities and safety instructions.
  • Gear up with necessary equipment (wetsuit, helmet with light, life jacket).
Exploration of the Underground River (9:30 AM - 12:00 PM):
  • Guided tour through the underground river and crystal caves.
  • Experience walking, wading, and swimming through the cave system.
  • Learn about the geological formations and the history of the caves.
Lunch (12:30 PM):
  • Enjoy a buffet lunch featuring local cuisine (included)
Free Time (1:30 PM - 2:30 PM):
  • Relax in the natural surroundings, take photos, or explore additional trails.
Departure from Rio Secreto (2:30 PM):
  • Board the vehicle for the return trip to the hotel.
Return to Hotel (3:30 PM):
Estimated arrival time at the hotel: 3:30 PM.

Tour Location

Rio Secreto is located in the Riviera Maya region of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, just a short drive from Playa del Carmen.
Rio Secreto is located in the heart of the Riviera Maya, just a short drive from Playa del Carmen and about an hour south of Cancun, Mexico. This extraordinary natural reserve is part of an extensive underground river system that stretches beneath the Yucatan Peninsula.

The entrance to Rio Secreto is nestled in the lush tropical jungle characteristic of the region. As you approach the site, you'll notice the landscape dotted with small sinkholes or cenotes, hinting at the vast network of caves and underground rivers that lie beneath the surface.

The cave system itself is a marvel of geological artistry. Formed over millions of years by the erosion of limestone bedrock, Rio Secreto consists of a complex network of tunnels, chambers, and underground rivers. The caves are adorned with an impressive array of speleothems – mineral formations including stalactites, stalagmites, columns, and flow stones.

One of the most striking features of Rio Secreto is its crystal caves. These chambers are filled with countless crystal formations, their surfaces sparkling with mineral deposits. The crystals range in size from tiny, delicate structures to massive formations that dominate entire caverns.

The underground rivers of Rio Secreto are equally impressive. The water is incredibly clear, with visibility often extending for many meters. In some areas, the water is so transparent that it appears almost invisible, creating the illusion of walking or floating through air.

Throughout the cave system, you'll encounter a variety of environments. Some passages are narrow and intimate, while others open up into vast chambers with high ceilings. Some areas are dry, while others are partially or fully flooded, allowing for swimming and floating experiences.

The temperature inside Rio Secreto remains constant year-round, hovering around 75°F (24°C), providing a cool respite from the tropical heat above ground. The humid environment within the caves contributes to the ongoing formation of mineral deposits, making Rio Secreto a living, growing cave system.



  • Lily

    August 28, 2017 at 11:47 am

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ullamcorper in eros at sodales. Duis feugiat sagittis dignissim. In efficitur mi metus, in dignissim mauris rhoncus vitae. Vivamus laoreet commodo condimentum.

  • Emily

    August 28, 2017 at 11:55 am

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ullamcorper in eros at sodales. Duis feugiat sagittis dignissim. In efficitur mi metus, in dignissim mauris rhoncus vitae. Vivamus laoreet commodo condimentum.

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